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Joe Sends In The Clowns To Rise Up 4 Abortion?

Fox says Pro-choice group targeting churches & Justices’ homes has links to Revolutionary Communist Party” ala BLM founders’ hankering for Karl Marx. BUT even if true, REAL lesson is NORMAL people don’t’ do what they are doing in front of Justices’ lawns.

No, they are NOT relieving themselves like my Lincoln does when going on his daily constitutional. BUT, who in their right adult responsible minds screams bloody murder in an apparent attempt to intimidate our Supreme Court into making a legal decision, as did “Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights. In their own words: We aim “to create a situation where those who run this society have to fear the loss of legitimacy if they go forward with revoking abortion rights … Through Rising Up 4 Abortion Rights together on the campuses, in the streets, in the arts and sciences, and everywhere else, we aim to create such political protest and resistance across this country that Supreme Court does not feel they can get away with taking away abortion rights.”

Once called a “social clown” by PBS, radical revolutionary Abbie Hoffman couldn’t have said it better for the immature if not deluded Marxists in the rampaging “Students for a Democratic Society” circa the 1960s. They quack, waddle and fly like anarchists, meaning, THEY want to call all the shots … or ELSE because THEY know their “rights,” not the 9 Supreme Court Justices. That’s not an adult talking, but a child, no?

Davd Soul


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