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Joe Snug As Bug Under Hunter’s Dirty Rug?

GW Prof asks “Can media, Dems implode Hunter Biden case without blowing up Washington?” Answer: Like the WWII song says: “We did it before & we’ll do it again …”

As Law Prof. Jonathan Turley recently opined for Fox, such a sweeping of the Biden Family scandal under the carpet again (as was accomplished during the 2020 presidential campaign) “will require the perfect timing of the MSM, Democrats and the Justice Department.” The professor calls it “controlled demolition” & he has his doubts about whether it can be pulled off again. I call it a “done deal” & am sure it will be pulled off again.

The stars, after all, are in alignment. As Prof. Turley himself notes, “For news junkies, there has [already] been a remarkable & sudden shift in the media in the coverage of the Hunter Biden scandal.” That is, lo & behold, IT ALWAYS EXISTED! At the same time, the Dems may be pushing dad to retire, but are still in lock-step in agreeing the old man knew nothing about son’s business picadillos no matter how much the growing evidence says otherwise. And, the DOJ under AG Garland, Barack & Joe’s “wing man,” is too pre-occupied with investigating Trump over Jan. 6 rather than Joe allegedly profiting from dim Hunter’s brilliant business dealings in Ukraine & China. But, I say, there’s one more reason Joe’s going to dodge the Hunter bullet again: There’s simply too many scandalous crises plaguing the old man & the public can only see so many bugs under his West Wing rug. BTW: Whose home in Mar-a-Lago was raided by FBI Monday?

Davd Soul


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