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Joe & Terrible, Horrible, No Good Week

God help us as Newsweek cover says “Joe Biden Just Had the Best Week of His Presidency.” Granted, Joe survived a 2d bout with Covid & got $839 billion anti-inflation bill passed on 51-50 vote, but “it’s the roiled economy, stupid “ …

Not only do 230 economists say the Manchin-Schumer legislative ruse may fuel rather than dent inflation as Joe insists (even though he admitted “only God knows” what’s really in the new spending spree) but the WSJ argues it won’t cut many drug costs as billed, nor will it stop global warming any time soon (see related posts today & recently).

But, is the WH hoping with its MSM allies like Newsweek that these “victories are going to send Joe’s plunging approval ratings skyward and vault Dems to holding onto Congress in the November mid-term elections? As the Clinton’s once reminded, “People are more impressed by the power of our example rather than the example of our power.”

Davd Soul


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