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Johnny Heard Amber’s Foot Steps & Ducked?

As the Depp-Heard soap opera-ish defamation lawsuit winds down & before a verdict given, we can agree BOTH are disturbed; yet a behavioral analyst is 100% sure body language proves “Amber was the aggressor” in relationship.

According to shrink Susan Constantine in a Fox News interview, “Heard’s and Depp’s respective attires represent a ‘power-play’” with the former’s foolish wearing of a man’s black suit in court is the biggest tell-tale evidence of being the instigator, while the latter’s wandering, dithering piratical appearance says he was the one most-often ducking the other’s punches…in Depp’s case, for instance, he failed to get a severed pinky out of harm’s way. Sure she’s “convinced” that “Amber was the aggressor? “100%”. Ok, that’s a high percentage.

I can relate to that use of body language to be judge & jury. As a lawyer and journalist I was one of many who took the 1981 “Body Language” by Allan Pease to heart. Too literally, perhaps. But, it rang true remarkably consistently in practice with clients and those interviewed. Sherlock Holmes would have agreed as he once boasted: “By a man’s fingernails, by his coat-sleeve, by his boots, by his trouser-knees, by the calluses of his forefinger and thumb, by his expression, by his shirt-cuffs, by his movements – By each of these things, a man’s calling is plainly revealed.” No S*** Sherlock. If only Depp and Heard had Given Pease A Chance, they might have seen the worst coming and avoided one another as well as all of this craziness in a Virginia courtroom.

Davd Soul


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