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Judge Who Ok’d Trump Raid An Odd Duck?

How naïve can MSM punditry get when “wondering” what led a Democrat judge to give FBI a Trump raid ok? Sure, “probable cause” of crime is needed for warrant BUT only Joe would deny POLITICS was another trigger …

And yet, what struck me from reviewing the various MSM reports, from lib & con outlets, was the CONSISTENCY in the reporters and analysts wondering out loud what could possibly have been the grounds for a search warrant of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. PLEASE. The lack of explanation from the FBI, AG & WH speaks volumes & waddles, quacks & flies like a “fishing expedition”. Maybe, maybe not. Team Trump and the DOJ have been wrangling for months over presidential “classified” documents that an outgoing president has to legally turn over to the national archives – 15 boxes of document had been given to the DOJ in June. But, AG Garland apparently isn’t satisfied still, though as No. 45, Mr. Trump arguably has a lot to say about what should or shouldn’t be “classified” ya-da-ya-da. As constitutional law expert, GW’s Prof. Jonathan Turley explained on Fox, this is exactly the type of issue outgoing presidents should work out with his successor via NEGOTIATIONS, not early morning raids. So, what gave?

As the New York Post reported, the judge who green-lit the raid, Bruce Reinhart, previously donated to Obama’s campaign and victory fund in 2008. He’s a Florida federal magistrate judge who later contributed to Never-Trump Jeb Bush’s failed 2016 presidential campaign. Moreover, he also represented employees of the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Does Judge Reinhart, then, waddle, quack & fly like a politician who likes fishing? THAT is a good Q.

Davd Soul


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