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Justice Blind To Trump’s Mounting Legal Bill?

Rove writes “Trump Campaign Looks Like a Defense Fund” as “he says his goal is election but his spending reports suggest it’s acquittal.” Maybe. But while prosecutors say goal is justice their novice theories suggest it’s political.

True, the numbers don’t lie. As Karl says, “We need a big scorecard to keep track of Donald Trump’s legal perils,” even as No. 45’s own lawyer now expects yet another indictment soon, this time, in a Georgia court. As a result, a recent Federal Election Commission fundraising report shows Trump has spent more money this year on lawyers than on campaigning, while Politico found his fundraising committee took in $53.8 million from Jan. 1 to June 30 but has spent $57 million … of that spending, $21.6 million apparently went to lawyers. And, the trials themselves are nowhere as yet in sight.

What’s that saying about the only one who’s a winner in court is the lawyer? Yet, in this case, might the “loser” also be the nation? As WSJ columnist Dan Henninger suggests in a recent op ed titled, “Donald Trump, Hunter Biden & the Rule of Law,” with all these prosecutions that partisans argue stretch traditional notions of criminal liability beyond the pale, “the global rule of law ... may be under challenge” like never before. As Henninger noted: “At the center of the legal problems engulfing Donald Trump & Hunter Biden is the refrain that no one is above the law. But in our polarized times, that truism is dismissed as a political fig leaf.” Does the “presumption that the rule of law still matter?” he asks. Maybe it cuts BOTH ways, Dan. Doesn’t the acid test also depend upon IMPARTIALITY, as reflected in the statue “Blind Justice”? You know, the presumption “American Justice is unbiased & should not be based on a person’s appearance or other outside influences”?

Davd Soul


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