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Justice Jackson’s Not So Wonderful Hypo

What if Sup Ct’s Ketanji Brown Jackson’s “It’s a Wonderful Life” analogy to White Supremacy not only shows why CRT she espouses is often wrong but why an ideologue should not be on nation’s highest bench?

Most independent thinkers know by now that the NY Times’ ballyhooed “Critical Race Theory” has more canards that a flock of canaries and that it’s one-track color-blindness can be used to wreck even good deeds by any white person dead, alive or yet to be born. One critic called the Justice’s latest brain storm and/or brain lock “beyond outlandish”, even though she was trying, if lamely, to use a racial Christmas-themed hypothetical with counsel during oral arguments in a case pitting free speech vs gay rights. That is, whether Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws violate the First Amendment of the US Constitution by compelling a website designer to create a same-sex wedding website.

As Fox News noted, the “newest Supreme Court Justice raised eyebrows for suggesting that the designer’s argument could be used to endorse racial discrimination against people of color in a hypothetical ‘It’s a Wonderful Life”-themed photo shot or a vintage Santa-themed shoot with only White customers … [that is, by creating a video] so only White children and families can be customers for that particular product.” As Heritage Foundation’s Roger Severino tweeted, “Even as a hypothetical, it is beyond outlandish and something only someone steeped in critical race theory would come up with … Why must critical race theory wreck absolutely everything?” Even George Bailey, Hollywood’s epitomy of THE color-blind Advocate for the Forgotten Man of all races, colors and creeds?

Davd Soul


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