Justice Jackson Stonewalls On Ethics Reform
Justice Jackson disingenuously gave credence to a Progressives’ dream of politicizing the Supreme Court via a supposedly “enforceable ethics code.” Is it another example of a progressive talking out of both sides of their mouths?
The WSJ’s editorial board suggested as much. That Is, after the Justice went on CBS and blurted, “A binding code of ethics is pretty standard for judges .. I guess I have not seen a persuasive reason why the [Highest] Court is different than the other courts.” Talk about a Lincoln landing on an issue with “both feet firmly planted in mid-air.” But, the editors obliged the Justice with a robe full of reasons why her encouragement to the “idea” could “unleash” untold political pressure on just about everyone concerned.
First of all, the CONSTITUTION, not Congress, sets the rules for the Supreme Court & any attempt to impose a detailed set of ethics & recusal rules on the Justices would likely run afoul of the Separation of Powers Clause. Moreover, unlike the lower courts, there’s only 9 members on the US Supreme Court & any recusal based on a politically alleged conflict … and, ruled upon by a supposedly “independent outside body” as the Democrats are demanding … could result in a 4-4 split & even a harmful lower court ruling in place. But, perhaps the biggest reason for nixing this game-changing proposal is found in the fact that every time the Supreme Court rules against the Progressive agenda based on the Precedent & the Rule of Law, the Progressives launch a “smear” campaign & call it “partisanship” that must be “reformed” so that THEIR agenda wins in the end. Ever hear the maxim “what goes around comes around,” meaning those crude political tactics can one day be used AGAINST rather than for Progressive causes? Concluded the WSJ: “The newest Justice may think she’s pleasing Democrats & the press on ethics, but we doubt she’d like the result.”
Davd Soul