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Justices Let Alabama Gerrymander Stand 4 NY Minute?

Time after time the Supreme Court has upheld the states’ “gerrymandering” of Congressional districts so it’s no shock WSJ reports “Justices Allow Alabama [GOP] Map For Now” since they might otherwise have to nix New York’s redrawn map brazenly favoring Dems, too.

Oh, we’re warned, “Republican-drawn map will remain in place while Justices hear the case in full” later this year and decide the case on its merits AFTER the 2022 mid-term elections … and despite a lower-court order blocking the state’s latest map “disadvantages Black voters”, i.e., by “diluting the Black vote” in violation of the 1965 voting rights. Another nice nonpartisan punt?

Nor shocking was latest 5-4 vote along ideological lines, Chief Justice Roberts siding with 3 notoriously liberal Justices, who seem to believe (but won't admit) all blacks are Dems. So, is the real question to be decided on “racial discrimination” grounds or “political discrimination” grounds? Will the Supreme Court FINALLY come clean on the peculiar issue?

Davd Soul


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