Justices To Rule Civil Rights Act Is Colorblind?
Will DEI take another hit if & when the Supreme Court rebukes lower jurists & upholds a straight woman’s job discrimination claim? One legal expert opines, “SCOTUS decision will advance a “colorblind understanding of the law.”
The Fox News story agreed with a civil rights expert in saying, “The Supreme Court appears poised to rule in favor of a straight woman’s discrimination claim in a case that could overturn a line of precedent that has made ‘The Civil Rights Act’ apply unequally.” Can’t blame them since the Justices during recent oral argument clearly seemed to side with the experienced petitioner who had been passed over for promotion in favor of inexperienced gay colleagues. In fact, both sides, we’re told, that the appeals court erred in requiring the petitioner to give additional “background circumstances” to “support the suspicion that the defendant is that unusual employer who discriminates against the majority.”
Trump appointed Justice Kavanaugh suggested all the court really needs to do is issue “a really short opinion that says discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, whether it’s because you’re gay or because you’re straight, is prohibited, and the rules are the same.” What a novel idea! Even liberal Justice Kagan when the attorney for the defendant, Ohio Dept of Youth Services, agreed that “the idea that you hold people to different standards because of their protected characteristics is wrong.” Said Kagan about the defense/respondent arguably agreeing on that key premise with the petitioner: “I don’t know exactly what to make of this.” Dear Justice: It’s called “Equal Justice that’s color blind.”
Davd Soul
