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Kelly & Maxwell Crime 2 Haunt 4 Long Time

Try rapping your head around R. Kelly getting 30 years in the can for sex trafficking while G. Maxwell got 20 years for helping pervert J. Epstein do similar perverted things to minors. P. Andrew next?

New York Post says “Prince Andrew could be FBI’s target after Ghislaine Maxwell’s sentencing,” which could have been stiffer, as in 40 rather than 20 years. Why was the socialite given a lighter sentence than the R & B singer? Could it have been, as Maxwell’s lawyers had argued (for an even lesser sentence), that she was a “mere” facilitator rather than a recipient of the sexual favors procured? US District Judge Ann Donnelly said she was impressed by the “sheer brutality” of Kelly aka Robert Sylvester’s conduct. He could have gotten life. But, he sort of was, at least, in the sense he’s now 55 and could be dead before he’s released whenever.

As Judge Donnelly also said, Kelly’s indifference to human suffering over so long a criminal career demanded throwing the proverbial book at him. Asking for a plea bargain when he had the chance probably will haunt Kelly. And, it’s a crime that don’t rhyme no mo’.

Davd Soul


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