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Kids Not Just Grandmas Run Over By Covid Reindeer?

As more MSM pundits urge renewed federal, state, local & even personal (thanks NBC’s Lester Holt) lockdown measures to fight the 2-yr Covid pandemic, CBS’s sober Jan Crawford told “Face the Nation” such mindless draconian measures are causing a mental health epidemic among our youth ... while thousands more at risk die anyway.

“It’s the crushing impact that our COVID policies have had on young kids & children” that gets me. This age group is “by far at the least serious risk for serious illness … [having] a one-in-a-million chance” of dying from the virus,” so that sitting in the back seat of mom’s car on the way to school might pose a bigger risk of death. And yet, she continued, “they have [been forced to ] suffer & sacrifice the most; especially kids in under-represented, at-risk communities. [Finally] we have the surgeon general saying there’s a mental health crisis among our kids … The risk of suicide attempts among girls is now up 51% this year. Black kids nearly twice as likely as White kids [have died] by suicide … school closures, lockdowns, cancellation of sports. You couldn’t even go on a playground in the DC area without cops shooing kids off.” It’s all had a “tremendous negative impact on kids, and it’s been an afterthought. It’s hurt their dreams, their future, learning loss, risk of abuse, their mental health.”

Agreed, Jan. The bizarre thing is many of our leaders haven't seemed to learn a single lesson as if themselves playing hooky from the school of reality. Worse & as you suggest, we don't seem to have a single saving grace to show for the sacrifices of our kids as the elderly still make up the large majority of the 800K folks who have gotten run over by a reindeer, not named Comet or Cupid, but Covid.

Davd Soul


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