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Kids Sucked Into Hemp Gummies?

Isn’t kids’ unhealthy reactions to fake candies laced with hemp as predictable as the flavored vape for minors crisis? Anybody in The Swamp notice “Hemp Gummies Are Sending Hundreds of Kids to Hospitals”?


According to the WSJ: “An explosion of products containing THC & similar chemicals – some of them in kid-enticing forms such as candy or gummy bears – is sending children to ER s across the country & has federal & state regulators grappling with how to contain it.” Many of these products face little to no restrictions let alone prescriptions, because their creators obtain their intoxicating compounds not from marijuana but from hemp, WHICH CONGRESS LEGALIZED IN 2018.


If ANYTHING was more predictable (and was) it is THIS RAMIFICATION. So far, the FDA has sent out warnings & accused the manufacturers of trading on minors’ gullibility, especially online. Meanwhile, Congress does little more than sit & eat peanuts. The WSJ notes “federal lawmakers have asked cannabis experts & companies to weigh in on possible legislation.” AGAIN, turn to the creators of the problem to fix it? Waxes the newspaper: “Many of those invested in the debate hope /Congress will address the issue in the Farm Bill next year.” Bunky, don’t hold your breath …


Davd Soul


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