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Kimmel & Show Shown Trump’s Door

Jimmy Kimmel says he’s lost half his fan base over anti-Trump jokes but isn’t honest enough to admit he’d lose the other 50% (of the few still watching his show) if he did Biden Baloney jokes like any unbiased comic might …

According to Fox News, Kimmel told the tale suggesting how brave he’s been in the face of ratings adversity after telling ABC execs years ago that he “would quit the show if they forced him to be more neutral with his comedy.” True, the comic’s ratings have plummeted like most “late night” show hosts mocking anyone who isn’t a radical progressive. But, maybe spar us the funny Capt Courageous line?

“I couldn’t live with myself,” Kimmel pleads, if he hadn’t told the world his truth about President Trump. But, Jimmy, so many people seem happier living without your show …

Davd Soul


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