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Lame Duck Joe A Game If Stuck Duck?

Feel Dems’ anxiety as their No. 46’s approval ratings sink to record low & few endorse him for 2024 run? Watch. If Joe’s WH handlers insisted “recession” just a “slowing” of economy, “lame duck” will become “game duck” soon.

After all, we’ll be told by the WH mouthpieces, Mr. Biden has always given new meaning to his old monikers, the “Scranton Scrapper” and “Fightin’ Joe.” Problem is, he’s always been known by other names, too. Fox News’ Laura Ingraham was especially brutal: “Congratulations, Dems, because in President Biden’s 19th month in office, he’s the equivalent of a lame duck. Now, here’s the definition, according to Oxford languages: This is ‘an official [esp. the president], who is ‘an ineffectual or unsuccessful person …” Talk about ineffectual. That’s Joe Biden & everyone knows it. You remember that movie ‘Runaway Train,’ right? Well, meet the Runaway Democrats.’”

Still, a WSJ op ed by Karl Rove notes how some die-hard Dems are trying to use the inflationary, tax increasing, pork-filled “Anti-Inflation Bill” Sen. Joe Manchin belatedly signed off on as “proof” Mr. Biden is a great leader, despite the unbelievable number of flubs he’s arguably made. But, Mr. Rove’s point is that, while some voters may like some of the ham being sent their way by that slimmed-down “Build Back Better” & “Green New Deal”, most will see through the lib MSM PR blitz for its ineffective waste of still more taxpayers’ money. Hence, Rove concludes, rather than help Dem candidates in the upcoming mid-terms, “This bill binds them tighter to the president and his dismal poll numbers.”

Davd Soul


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