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Last Straw: Pence Set To Drain DOJ’s Swamp?

Time Swamp’s Weeping Willow torched? After unprecedented Trump arrest, Pence says it’s essential to “clean” DOJ’s clock, er, house … “He ‘can’t defend’ [No. 45’s conduct] but thinks the case is also political.”

Mr. Pence said all the right things to the WSJ’s editorial board. The charges against his old running mate are “very serious” & “can’t defend” what’s alleged; yet, the “President is entitled to his day in court” & while “no one is above the law … as American’s you’re innocent until proven guilty.” Then, again, Mr. Pence goes on to concede it is irresponsible for any president [including Obama, Trump & Biden] to purposely or inadvertently leak the nation’s secrets. Dramatic pause. A sigh. And, then, Mr. Pence gets really to the point as he calls out the Justice Dept’s role in “two & a half years of a Russia hoax,” being the context for the charges against Mr. Trump.

Said Pence: “After years of politicization, it’s hard for me to believe that politics didn’t play some role in this decision … [and AG Merrick Garland must fess up to] … “what if any role he played … in the decision to move forward with an unprecedented indictment of a former President of the United States … I think millions of Americans are deeply troubled by this indictment, particularly given that Hillary Clinton engaged in very similar behavior in the 2016 campaign & did not face indictment … My bottom line is this: I think the American people have lost confidence in the Department, not just because of this, but because of a long series of abuses that have come to light.” Mr. Pence promised in so many words to “clean house” if elected himself in 2024: “We’re going to give the DOJ a fresh start, with men & women who are respected on both sides of the aisle for their commitment to the law … And, I will leave it at that.” With or without the matches tossed on the table?

Davd Soul


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