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Latest Progressive Dems’ IRS Tax Dragnet Plan Stinks II

The WSJ called out the Democratic Spin Machine for claiming its new “$10K IRS Tax Dragnet” proposal is any more palatable than its “$600 Bank Peekaboo” original “audit tool” since nearly EVERYONE has annual transactions at their bank totaling $10K. Da.

It goes like this: The WH & Senate Dems were caught off guard by the folly of their original audit speed trap that would “let the IRS snoop on American bank accounts … and, so far they’re doing a lousy job of scrambling to get out.” Supposedly, “the latest proposal tries to dodge the charge of snooping on Everyman by exempting wage income from ‘certain payroll companies’ and Social Security checks.”

Yet, the WSJ reminds, “most Americans could still get ensnared in this dragnet unless they pay bills & buy goods in cash.” The Dems continue to dance, saying banks would only have to report “total annual inflow & outflows, not discrete transactions.” But, who doesn’t spend more than $10K a year? Double da.

Davd Soul


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