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Leaks On PRC Spy Balloon Speaks Volumes

Holman Jenkins again floats a debunking UFO theory, this time, suggesting PRC spy balloon & admission by intel community it’s happened before, is part of serial if not pathological “disinformation” strategy by our gov’t …

So, UFOs are Chinese drones as well as balloons if not Communist Swamp Gas? Holman thinks maybe so. Let’s let the WSJ columnist explain the latest (& ongoing as we speak, er, write) gov-speak leaks phenomenon in his own words: “For those who couldn’t figure out why I devoted four columns to the Pentagon UFO debate, this is why. It became clear that, whether from serendipity or design, national security agencies were using UFOs to hide something they didn’t want us to see. That something, it has slowly dribbled out since last May, was Chinese surveillance in U.S. airspace. Suspected Chinese drones have been a some-times daily presence in US military training sites going back perhaps a decade or more. We learn now of multiple balloon incursions too.”

Dunno. How would Holman explain Barney & Betty Hill’s 1961 claim they were abducted by extraterrestrials in rural New Hampshire? Chinese paratroopers masquerading as aliens ala “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”? Or, hallucinations of an “Outer Limits” look alike brought on by the stress of being an interracial couple in a White Supremacist US as some progressive psychiatrists would later imply? But, let’s not digress. Holman plainly labels what’s going on now as a Swamp-induced “snow job” just like the ones it used earlier to “promote false info about the Hunter Biden laptop … the Clinton email matter … the false Steele dossier evidence … The list goes on.” The big problem, as Jenkins concluded, is that “federal agencies have become too comfortable using [such] disinformation” with the end result that the American public has been “kept in the dark” about important matters like the China spying on us “jollied along with the UFO [and other convenient if not silly] distraction[s].”

Davd Soul


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