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Leaky DOJ Again Plays Trump Roulette?

How time flies. Just 6 years ago Trump vowed to drain DC Swamp & expose its elitist Deep State & now WSJ notes it’s déjà vu in “Washington’s Mar-a-Lago Prosecution by Leaks” as its editors recall DOJ’s Russia collusion hoax…

As the editors remember too well, that Russia “probe” by the DOJ “was also fed by leaks to the press with episodes that were portrayed as ominous – ‘the walls are closing in’ – but often turned out to have innocent provenance or far less consequence. We later found out the entire collusion probe was a political concoction promoted by a lawyer for Hillary Clinton with an assist from Justice and James Comey’s FBI… [and yet] … Two weeks since the Mar-a-Lago search, the legal case also doesn’t look any stronger” for it ever taking place.

Many legal experts have joined in the latest debate over the pros & cons in DOJ’s advance or abuse of its “prosecutorial discretion.” And, absent PROOF of a serious crime tantamount to espionage (and not just a parking ticket kind of offense like mishandling docs), “most persuasive” to the editors is the view that “Mr. Trump has every right to hold the [seized] documents for a time at his home under the 1978 Presidential Records Act. If there is a dispute over them, that is a matter for negotiation and at most a minor sanction.” But, no. Vacationing Joe, the WH & their allies in DOJ want to accuse & convict No. 45 on trumped up leaks in the Washington Post & NY Times. But, concluded the WSJ, the obvious replay of its Russian Roulette with the American people & its “prosecution by leak is hurting Justice as much as it is Mr. Trump.”

Davd Soul


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