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Lean Mean Pompeo Beats Autoimmune Fast Food Folly?

Trump’s SoS Mike Pompeo shockingly lost a TON of weight & explained he just “ate less, exercised more.” A new Autoimmune disease study also suggests a reason why the presidential hopeful looks/feels great while Americans gorge on fast food to look/feel like slobs whose immune systems are shot & world is catching up.

Fox News tried hard to get Mr. Pompeo to divulge his “secret” to a remarkable “lean, mean” transformation, but he insisted it was mostly a matter of “personal resolve” to live a happier life and he didn’t really diet in the traditional sense. Sure, he ate healthier, had “smaller portions”. But, the closest he came to conceding he followed any particular dieting fad was in saying he “cut out the carbs …” and pushed himself away from “the French fries”. Meanwhile, a separate Fox story noted recently how scientists say a world-wide “Autoimmune disease spike” is to be blamed on an increasing adoption of our fast food oriented “Western diet” Mr. Pompeo so cleverly suspected was at the heart of his less than healthy life style. And, as part of that compromised immunity, the study suggests, folks everywhere are getting fatter. Why? Because, as The Cleveland Clinic explained, inflamed bowels make for less energy, higher cholesterol levels AND WEIGHT GAIN. “Numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the West,” researcher James Lee told the Guardian’s Observer. “However, we are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases before.”

Ain’t “globalization great? Maybe THIS "War of the Worlds" solution is the way for the U.S. to beat China several centuries from now? That is, Let Them Eat McDonald's?

Davd Soul


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