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Left’s Systemic Hypocrisy Eating Its Identified Own

How ironic Identity Politics tends to eat its own as seen in WSJ’s “Systemic Bias Against Asians” as well as in the world of Jews, Middle Aged Males & Pork Chops. Let’s explain starting with the author’s critique of a school policy making some minorities more equal than others.

Noted columnist William McGurn, “At the heart of critical race theory, the NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund says, is the idea that American racism is more than just ‘individual bias & prejudice.’ It is ‘systemic’ because it is ‘embedded in laws, policies & racial inequities.’” As McGurn scratches his head, he wonders, “Funny, but that sounds an awful lot like what Asian-Americans are experiencing these days, especially in education” thanks “progressive” school boards like the one in San Francisco that is trying to extend for another year “a lottery it substituted [for one of its top school’s] merit-based admission system” because it was thought to favor [hard working] Asian-Americans.”

Yet, recall too a recent WSJ editorial calling out what seems to be a nation-wide systemic bias against folks of Jewish descent as hightlighted in the anti-Semitism vocalized recently in the halls of Congress. Then, think back to the newspaper’s op eds noting how middle aged males of all races (but esp. blacks & Hispanics) were experiencing lowered life expectancies as the depressing pandemic dragged on. Has the CDC’s Dr. Fauci or Mr. Biden ever said they care? Might we also extend this hypocrisy to the left’s allies in Uncle Sam’s entire bureaucracy & MSM who have likewise systematically ignored the COVID death count in 2021, esp among minorities, which has surpassed the morbid tally they once ballyhooed on a daily basis when You Know Who was POTUS? And, what about their sudden silence on the “science” that long ago warned high risk populations rather than the general healthier populations needed special if not draconian protection, including the elderly, cancer patients, lung diseased, diabetics & obese?

Davd Soul


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