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Leo’s Titanic Funding Of Dark $ 2 Save Earth

Say it ain’t so, Leo. Tired of celebs telling us to shape up? Care, Bunky, about the Titanic Fox News report that “Leonardo DiCaprio funneled grants through dark money group to fund climate nuisance lawsuits”?

In almost “Shoeless Joe” fashion, we’re told, “DiCaprio’s foundation awarded [millions in] grants to the Resources Legacy Fund, a dark money group, which then donated to a private law firm suing oil companies over climate change.” Something called “Collective Action Fund for Accountability” is the group’s purported front on top of its own front. The emails allegedly revealing the litigation funding “model” includes complex arrangements between Leo’s foundation, progressive academics & well-paid lawyers. Beside’s Leo’s org, funds were also “donated” by such mega-foundations you might recall having funded Ken Burns’ “The Civil War”: MacArthur, William & Flora Hewlett and Rockefeller. One might get the impression the script revealed in the discovered emails quacks, waddles & flies like a polluted environment played out behind closed doors.

“Obviously, the donors created – including DiCaprio – several purported arms’ lengths [via elaborate, hard-to-trace paper trails so] they’re not seen as financing the assault” on the targets, said Chris Horner, a lawyer for the GAO in a pending case involving the revealing emails. Talk about “following the money” to undercover the BS Hollywood, lawyers, academia, coastal elites and assorted radicals of every stripe & agenda throws at us ordinary folk…as well as the attacked industries…

Davd Soul


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