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Les Misérable Euro Style Tipping A Scam?

Suckers Beware? Self-checkout machines at some airports, bakeries, coffee shops & stadiums now ask for tips in latest squeeze on customers. Matter of time before “Euro style” tips included in bill whether like it or not?

As the WSJ & Fox News reports noted, customers already trying to deal with high inflation, rising credit card debt & declining savings are now being pressured by a growing number of businesses to leave extra tips at their self-checkout machines. According to the WSJ, “Customers can leave tips including the typical 20%, despite facing minimal to no interaction with any employee.” Natch, Fox notes, folks “are questioning to whom the extra money is actually going,” while businesses assure it’s a way to “boost pay for workers outside of salaries,” albeit via funds coming out of customers’ pocket, not theirs.

Personally, I won’t participate in this new opportunity to help the businesses maybe help out the out-of-sight-out-of-mind staff … & without a whiff of guilt. I’m reminded of the Thénardiers, the hotel owners who sing “Master of the House” in Les Misérables: “Reasonable charges plus some little extras on the side! Charge ‘em for the lice, extra for the mice, 2% for looking in the mirror twice. Here a little slice, there a little cut, 3% for sleeping with the window shut. When it comes to fixing prices there are a lot of tricks he knows. How it all increases, all those bits and pieces. Jesus! It’s amazing how it grows!”

Davd Soul


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