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LGBTQ Wars Queered By Human Bigotry?

Our “Melting Pot” mantra was devised to unite a diverse people & help different races, ethnicities, religions, genders & classes live in peace? Isn’t today’s LGBTQ culture war queerly more about these human differences than those excuses?

The excuse pun was intended. That is, if bigotry is about differences and the irrational rationalizing aka excuse-making we often do to justify it. I’m asking the Qs after reading Gerard Baker’s WSJ column titled, “The Bigotry That Proudly Speaks Its Name,” in which he observes “From Dodger Stadium to Washington, indulging anti-Catholic sentiment is an elite pastime,” most recently on behalf of Catholic bashing supposedly in support of LGBTQ “rights” to perform in drag before 2nd graders. But, so is elite anti-Semitism, i.e., if you consider the separate Fox News piece on exasperated Jewish groups demanding CUNY Law School lose its gov’t funding after a student’s “vile” anti-Israel commencement speech.

Ironically, then, in varying ways as our black brethren … Catholics, Jews AND Gays have been roundly discriminated against since the founding of this nation. And yet, the queerest (as in strangest) political reality is that these groups still point fingers at one another while staying in communion with many of their mutual political allies. Consider the vote totals these groups blindly give year after year to the Democratic candidates. In fact, we now are witnessing the situation in which many of the mutually abused Catholics & LGBTQs are at each throats, yet you can bet your nun’s drag outfit that both will vote in landslide proportions for whatever Joe Schmo the DNC nominates for 2024. As it happens, I read the account in Matthew, in which Jesus exorcises a man of demons, sends them into a herd of pigs & the town owners want to banish the Messiah. A still relevant example of excuse making based on irrational bigotry of one kind or another?

Davd Soul


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