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Lib Judges Now “Too Old” For Radicals?

James Taranto says 2 lib Justices “suddenly get old” for Dems while they still control Senate, but isn’t latest power play about Sotomayor & Kagan not being radical enough for those wanting quick changes by ignoring Constitution?

Let’s give all the liberals on the Supreme Court for at least insisting upon following “precedent”, albeit if arguably manufactured to fit their progressive believes and on the premise the Constitution is a “living” document meant to be reinterpreted on the fly by them (and other activist judges. But, as Mr. Taranto notes, “only two days after the [mid-term] election, [liberal] journalists began calling for two … officeholders – Justices Sonia Sotomayor, 68, and Elena Kagan, 62 – to step down.” The WSJ’s columnist goes on to describe a sense of urgency among a handful of supposed thought leaders in Democratic circles, if with an Eric Holder logical ring to it: If Dems want the law to keep going their way (whatever it may be & per the progressive trend started in earnest during the Obama-Holder years), you need to replenish the liberal justice contingency, esp on the High Court, with younger bodies who presumably have more malleable, er, radical legal minds.

Don’t laugh at the arithmetic, Taranto warns, since “Republicans face a favorable Senate map in 2024” & could take back control of that body to get and/or keep conservative rather than liberal justices & judges on the federal bench. Isn’t this a small step from pushing for “term limits” for federal judges? If so, do any radical progressives ever consider that the creative cudgel they use to effect changes they want can be used against them? As the 2 Justices must now realize?

Davd Soul


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