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“Liberalism” Feasts On Joe’s Asian Trade Policy

NY Time’s “No more neoliberalism” lauds Biden’s “new” anti-America First approach to US’s Asian trade policy but the lib rag predictably glosses over Joe’s retread of Obama’s America Last & open checkbook policies.

Here we go again having to listen to how Joe’s just announced (while he’s touring Asia) “Indo-Pacific Economic Framework” wisely abandons Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty that was widely mocked on both sides of the aisle for being a one-sided mega-transfer of USA jobs overseas. As the article goes on, it concedes Joe’s brain storm is “vague” & “much less ambitious than Obama’s” one-way sharing of the pie with Asian countries. But, wait, we’re told its virtue is that it avoids what “economists call ‘market access’ … through tariffs and regulations … and that its “framework instead revolves around increased cooperation on areas like clean energy and internet policy.” Here then is the real key: It is NOT A TREATY; just more progressive talking points to be used in endless “cooperative talks”. “As a result, the deal does not require Senate aka bipartisan aka GOP ratification” & will be run strictly by Joe’s progressive bureaucrats, without any Congressional input Joe doesn’t want to hear about.

Also sound like an Obama “pen and phone” ploy to bring Bernie’s Green New Deal to Asia and cut Elon Musk’s Twitter out of Internet policies in the future? But, fear not. Exclaims the author: “The Biden administration persuaded virtually every country that it wanted to join the framework” that HAS NO REAL FRAMEWORK. As the Brits must be saying: “Brilliant. Jolly Good Show.”

Davd Soul


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