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Liberals Go Bananas On Supreme Court

The liberal banana hits keep coming as famous author urges Biden to “dissolve” the Supreme Court before leaving office & despite obvious illegality of such a beastly non-starter move just because she thinks “it’s Trump’s harem.”


What triggered the rant, Fox News suggested, was the High Court’s 6-3 presidential immunity ruling many legal experts say prevents Democrats from railroading former President Donald Trump from participating in the 2024 race with its creative lawfare tactics. Georgetown Law Professor Jonathan Turley didn’t mince words about the hypocrisy while debunking Fran Lebowitz’s demand to dissolve the Supreme Court: “Lebowitz and others are falsely telling the public that the Court is dysfunctionally & ideologically divided. Of course, the problem is not with the liberal justices voting as a block but the conservatives doing so. The liberals are not robotic, they are simply right.”


Never mind the Constitution’s Separation of Powers clause clearly preventing the author’s goofy idea that would set the table for untold future executive & legislative abuses of power and turn our country into a Banana Republic now favored by those who have opened the flood gates to illegal immigrants from Banana Republics.


Davd Soul


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