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Libs Can’t (Under)Stand Black Success Story

Bobby Jindal said “Affirmative Action Bred Victimhood” & urged GOP to reaffirm its commitment to merit. BUT as MLK & Malcolm X said it’s up to more blacks to follow their suburban brethren’s lead by using the skills God gave ‘em …

No need to reiterate Mr. Jindal’s WSJ op ed as it details his “hypocrisy” & “victimhood” claims in light of the Supreme Court’s striking down affirmative action in college admissions. Nor need we focus on his debatable premise “Organizing American society around merit, rather than historical grievances, has produced tremendous wealth & progress.” What is STILL overlooked is the inherent TALENT all minorities have thanks to the Almighty’s wisdom in “creating all men as equals.” The Founding Fathers knew it, despite slavery's ugly Constitutional “compromise”. So did Lincoln & the hundreds of thousands of white soldiers who died fighting the Civil War to end it.

Another WSJ editorial by black columnist Jason Riley also shed light on the endless debate since by writing how “Liberals Can’t Comprehend Black Economic Progress”. Riley argued the telling & oft-cited Census & Economic stats “undermine [their own] argument that society is [still] stacked against racial & ethnic minorities.” And, the blind lib guides can’t see it. Yet, as Martin Luther King & Malcolm suggested yrs ago, the stacking of odds against ANYONE in America has & always will be largely beside the point. In the Land of the Free, it’s what you do with your brains & back that most oft ultimately determines your future, albeit with the inevitable lumps along the way. The proof is in the millions of blacks who, esp since 1964, have lifted themselves up & out of the big city ghettos & into the suburban, if imperfect, American Dream. Millions of ethnic Europeans reportedly did it around the turn of the 20th Century. Many Asians are credited with doing it as the 21st Century dawned. Isn’t it time to give the black success story the credit it also obviously deserves?

Davd Soul


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