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Lifting The Fog On DC’s Rent Control & Homeless Mania?

A DC taxpayer was recently “shocked” to learn the city’s homeless are getting up to $36K per year in gov’t vouchers to live in swank Foggy Bottom hi-rises while the city’s “rent control” beneficiaries are shocked to see rents rising skyward thanks to Biden inflation.

You think the DC fair housing “system” is broken maybe? Yet, the WSJ warns “lawmakers across the US are looking to enact rent control, reviving measures largely shunned in recent years in an effort to curb the surge in home rental prices throughout the country.”

To folks outside The Swamp: Maybe watch what you wish for? For years, DC’s rent control beneficiaries basked in 1-2% rent raises allowed by local law based in part on the prior year’s “inflation.” During the Obama deflation era and Trump’s low interest rate years inflation was smaller than a church mouse. Hello. Under Mr. Biden’s Green New Deal and War on Fossil Fuels watch ... & as Covid lockdown laws were slowly modified or lifted ... that inflation rate has suddenly jumped to over 7%, thereby triggering rent hikes that could force some onto the street & into tent encampments … where DC vouchers presumably may await to put them back into their swank hi rises. You can’t make this up. Unless living in DC.

Davd Soul


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