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Like David, Like Donald? Beleaguered Trump Train Will Not Only Survive But Reach For The Stars

President Trump in his upcoming RNC finale speech will avoid meaningless generalities like “lightness and darkness”. Rather, he will remind us…as well as himself…that the problems and crises in the world will keep coming. That’s life. All he has to do is watch the “Designated Survivor” series on Netflix. Or, the riots in Portland. Or, the murders in Chicago.

Oh, Mr. Trump will undoubtedly harken back to his “Make America Great Again” slogan. Yet, he’ll also point out that glib one liner has been backed by 3+ years of achievement…warp speed China virus response; record stock market as well as economic growth, employment and wages; billions in inner city investments; tax cuts for all not increases; rebuilding of a depleted military to crush ISIS; no more endless wars; a return to sanity in immigration policy; mucho fairer trade deals; criminal justice reform; lowered prescription drugs; a resurgence of manufacturing & farming in the heartland. We could go on. All that, despite a vengeful opposition in Congress, a boatload of GOP Never Trumpers & a fake news media.

Here’s the kicker though. The problem-solving if starry-eyed aficionado who wants an American on Mars asap will also remind us all that he’ll need all of us to help finish the jobs he’s started. Sure, he’’ll note “there’s more Swamp to be drained & Deep State to be cut down to size”. But, he’ll also allude to if not quote the Biblical truism that “it’s not only how one runs the race that counts but how one finishes it.” He’ll remind us that neither he nor his nation are, or ever have been, perfect (Donald Jr. explicitly said so on Monday night). But, in urging us on to future greatness with him, our beleaguered President will prove to be a true survivor who will be more like the beleaguered King David whose perseverance made him “a man after God’s own heart”.

Davd Soul


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