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London Airport Tells Tourists Stay Home?

As London’s Heathrow limits passengers amid staff shortages, might one conclude that in a progressive EU globalists’ world one problem always seems to lead to worse problems thanks to such bone-headed “solutions”.

According to the WSJ, rather than HIRE more workers, the UK’s international hub says it is “solving” its staffing shortage by “limiting passenger numbers to 100K a day & has asked airlines to stop selling tickets for the summer.” Hello, isn’t the UK tourist trade & larger economy still reeling from government ordered Covid lockdowns? Noted the newspaper: “The cap on DEPARTING passengers follows similar moves at London Gatwick Airport and Amsterdam Schiphol as the industry grapples with a historic surge in flying just as it emerges from a hiatus caused by the pandemic.”

Of course, Heathrow promises it’s trying like Churchill at Dunkirk to staff up & train an army of new workers by August. But, have they ever heard the song, “Anticipation” in that ketchup commercial? Meanwhile, are the Brits actually telling tourists ala the roach killer ad, “You can check in, but you can’t check out”? How British. How EU. How Progressive.

Davd Soul


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