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Loose Lips Biden All But Invokes 25th Amendment v Putin

Fox’s Tucker Carlson says it’s time to maybe invoke the 25thAmendment to end the damage Joe “Gaffe” Biden’s doing with his mouth but WSJ’s Freeman is more measured in suggesting duct tape over his loose lips is more realistic.

In his “The President Should Avoid Public Speaking … at least when the topic is important”, Mr. Freeman notes “these are dangerous times and we would all be much safer if Mr. Biden would make greater use of prepared statements on subjects [like] weapons of mass destruction.” Those “talking points” aka idiot cards he flashed to a photographer the other day was, in this line of thinking, “progress.” The columnist goes on to list No. 46’s two most ridiculous yet remarkably dangerous statements in recent days:

“Two months after a bumbling press conference in which Mr. Biden implied that a ‘minor incursion’ by Russia into Ukraine might to tolerable … Then came the Thursday press conference, in which Joe said the US would reply “in kind” to any Russian use of chemical weapons EVEN THOUGH WE HAVE NONE AND THEY’D BE ILLEGAL UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW AS WELL AS A MORAL ABOMINATION IF WE DID.” Unmentioned by Freeman was Biden’s tear-jerking “That man [Putin] cannot remain in power” rant, which yet again set off consternation if not disbelief in European capitals. The WH “clean up crew” explained afterward it was the big guy expressing personal disgust at Putin’s behavior, not a [regime change] policy. Then, again, maybe Joe, if given another chance to explain would invoke the 25thAmendment against his Russian counterpart.

Davd Soul


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