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Luigi’s Radicalization & College Chicken Soup

It’s been suggested a woke Ivy League U help “radicalize” Mangione accused of shooting CEO insurance CEO in the back. Maybe. Any doubt woke colleges enabled many others to be cowardly chickens who’ve rioted in masks?


You know the story by now. Raised by a prominent Maryland family enriched by participating in the health care industry cesspool, Luigi Mangione graduated from the University of Pennsylvania as an honors student with BS & master’s degrees in computer science. Says Cornell Law Prof. William Jacobson to a Fox News reporter: “It is fairly uniform in the Ivy League & other so-called elite educational institutions that they skew extremely heavily to the left among the faculty … [Meanwhile] The modern Democratic Party … leans heavily to the left, has a very strong anti-American, anti-capitalist wing to it … so it would not surprise me if somebody growing up & getting educated in that atmosphere becomes radicalized.”


As the professor adds: “Activism is now considered a vital part of the teaching role for many professors [and] they do not distinguish between their teaching & their activism.” But, this leftist mantra is hardly limited to the Ivy League or even “Top 50” academic institutions. Consider the still recent campus riots over ideological differences. Sometimes, the ugliness has something to do with Jews; illegal aliens; white people; or cops, all of which regularly appear on the Leftist Manifesto grievance list. Not coincidentally, the campus chaos most often erupts in coastal and/or “Sanctuary Cities.” I, perhaps like Professor Jacobson, saw this faculty activism begin “decades ago” firsthand while a student at UIC during the Viet Nam & Civil Rights Movement era. Fast forward to today & it seems the chickens are coming home to roost.


Davd Soul


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