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Mad Trump Signaling His 2024 Death Wish?

While ‘Mad Men’ PR guy saw absurdity of flipping Freud’s “death wish” theory into selling point to smoke deadly cigs, are Trump’s rallies focusing on stolen ‘20 election unconscious sign he doesn’t want to run in ‘24?

In WSJ’s “The Trump 2024 Test Runs”, Karl Rove doesn’t say it, but does suggest as much. He notes how Mr. Trump’s recent rallies across America are remarkably about his belief in voter fraud as the reason he lost to a two-time loser & serial incompetent … “to the exclusion of almost all other issues.” And, then, how that obsession is arguably hurting if not dragging down GOP primary candidates while others facing tough elections in November are trying to decide whether to embrace Mr. Trump’s insistence that they embrace his obsession.

One might recall Mr. Trump’s insistence on arguing with one & all via Twitter. And how he ignored the advice of many close friends & supporters it was unnecessarily killing his poll numbers leading up to 2020, even more so than the two bogus impeachments & stream of MSM abuse. Then, as now, Mr. Trump is ignoring similar friendly advice. Then, as now, he should be burying an unpopular No. 46 in the polls, but is not, while a widely-popular Florida governor … embracing Trumpian policies … may be leap frogging both in voters’ minds. Then, as now, Mr. Trump can surely read these signs. So, one might wonder if proving his point about 2020 is really more important to him than regaining the WH in 2024?

Davd Soul


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