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Magnificent Supreme Court’s Yahoo Critics

The Democrats’ unmatched if not unprecedented trashing of the Supreme Court for its 6-3 immunity ruling protecting all POTUS from political retaliation via lawfare is a low point for demagoguery. As WSJ noted: “Democrats are fuming [about a supposed “MAGA Supreme Court”] but look at the record of the cases this term.”


As the editorial board opined: “Democrats have campaigned against the Supreme Court for years, but they’re at Defcon1 after … ruling that the President has immunity for official acts. ‘This nation was founded on the principle that there are not kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law,’ President Biden said.” If  Joe is literally correct, there’s a lot of Republican AGs lining up to indict him for alleged corruption, extortion & bribery. Whatever.


As the WSJ explains, the numbers don’t lie: “As the Justices go into their summer break, the scholars at the Empirical Scotus blog have crunched the statistics for the 2023 term – 45.8% of the cases were unanimous …The perception is that boring, minor cases [if there is such a thing at this level] get unanimous rulings, but not always, and not this year. Nine Justices agreed that Colorado can’t remove Donald Trump’s name from its ballot under the 14th Amendment. Nine Justices agreed that pro-life doctors lack standing to sue FDA over the abortion pill. And Nine Justices agreed that the NRA can sue a NY regulator for coercing insurers to stop doing business with gun rights groups.”


Davd Soul


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