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Maher, Cruise Go Ballistic Over Impossible Covid Hysteria

Maher would roll over in grave if he knew Tom Cruise’s “Mission Impossible” sequels were delayed yet again cause of Covid hysteria. Wait. Didn’t the living Bill just rip libs like Cruise for “stupidly” ignoring science in their lingering lockdown mentality? Did the resurrected lib really say “we now know masks don’t work”? Tsk!

Yet, as Fox News reported, we have the perverse spectacle of tough guy Cruise, the 59-yr-old who still does his own hair-raising stunts to the point of “dangling from an air plane” 10K up, wimp out over Covid safety concerns on the set, while even the perfidious Brits & forever pandering NFL are loosening up their grip on their minions. We’re told in a somber Friday statement from Paramount Pictures & Skydance that the release of MI 7 will be pushed from Sept. 20 to July 14, 2023 while MI:8, previously set for July 2023, will instead open June 28, 2024. By that time, the GOP will control Congress again & Dr. Tony Lockdown Fauci will be retired with his cash horde & President Biden will be hiding again in his Delaware home’s bunker as the 2024 election nears.

Here’s the real poop scoop per Fox: “The date shift comes as somewhat of a surprise, as the MI:7 set was noted for being among the first productions to safely resume filming as the virus continued to spread…it was reported early last year Cruise enlisted robots to help him enforce safety protocols on the sets, having dropped ‘huge sums” to do so.” He even “shelled out $700K for cast & crew to live on cruise ships to maintain isolation”!? So hell bent was Nathan, I mean, Tom, that he broke into “a series of explosive tirades … launching into profanity-laden rants” while urging the little people to “adhere to [his] safety protocols.” What a guy. Pray to God for Tom & pass the popcorn …

Davd Soul


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