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Maher, Dems Panic As Biden 2024 Implodes?

Did Maher evict Biden from WH with left-handed endorsement of Fla Gov DeSantis over “certifiably insane” Trump, especially, if you compare certifiably incompetent Dems’ alternative candidates to GOP’s?

Think about it. Whom do the Democrats have to replace Mr. Biden, now that the rats are jumping the USS 46? VP Kamala Harris who can’t stop giggling as DC disintegrates under her tap-dancing feet? Transportation Sec Buttegiegiegieg who has yet to take record pump prices seriously when transgender rights in the oil industry are so pressing right now? Bernie “I Left My Heart on Honeymoon in Moscow” Sanders? Raving mad at Justice Kavanaugh Liz Warren, Joe’s secretary of whatever & helping implode the economy?

Then, there’s the GOP wanna-bes besides Mr. Trump. As Maher said, DeSantis is “way better”, presumably because he’s not Mr. Trump. Yet, doesn’t that also mean the Real Time host agrees Mr. Trump’s and Mr. DeSantis’ POLICIES, not Biden’s, are preferrable, too? Think, too, the comparatively engaging if not insightful 2020 GOP primary debates led by Senators Rubio & Cruz as well as former Gov. Chris Christie. Then, also in contention are ex-Sec of State Mike Pompeo who reigned in Putin, Xi & Kim for 4 yrs and VP Pence who’s suddenly a hero to Dems during their Jan 6 show. Throw in the articulate “Scotts,” as well as ex-UN honcho Nikki Haley & the brainy as well as beautiful ND Gov Noem. Any wonder why Maher … and many other Dems … are starting to panick?

Davd Soul


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