Maher, Leno Kiss Trump’s Egg Nog
Lib Bill Maher slammed other liberals who cut off family for the holidays over politics with a saucy “F*** off, you f****.” Alas, even El Know-It-All now realizes the cultish leftists, who self-proclaim to be “morally superior,” are full of it.
As Fox News told it, “On Sunday’s installment of his ‘Club Random’ podcast, Maher & fellow comedian Jay Leno bonded over the late entertainment icon Sammy Davis Jr. & how he famously hugged President Richard Nixon. Leno noted how he was seen as a ‘traitor’ among Hollywood liberals for his embrace of the Republican president. ‘It’s so funny you mention that,” [said Maher], because like today we live in this time when you’re not allowed to have friends from the other side or cross lines politically … And I forgot that there’s an example of that way back when, a guy who crossed lines politically. ‘Ooh, the worst thing you could ever do – be friends with a Republican. Ahh! Call 911!”
On a roll, Maher continued: “This is what I f***ing hate about the left. And they’re not going to get me over to the Trump side, which they think they will sometimes, but the idea that, you know, ‘cut your family off for Thanksgiving if they voted for the wrong guy.’ F*** off, you f***s. And Sammy – when he hugged Nixon, he was ostracized by the left a lot. That was an early harbinger of that.” Well, Bill, YOU should have seen this liberal hypocrisy coming ALOT SOONER. But, know what? You may not realize it but YOU HAVE COME OVER TO THE TRUMP SIDE more than you think. Welcome to the growing club of egg noggers with common sense morality, the declining cultists can go suck a lump of coal.
Davd Soul