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Mamma Mia! Kathy Griffin Admits To Zucker Mia Culpa!

The New York Times piece on ditsy actress Kathy Griffin bitching about CNN’s Jeff Zucker cutting her pay as the network’s 2016 New Year’s Eve co-host by 20% after asking for a raise is another example of how the east coast MSM & the elites it’s in bed with are delusional to think ANYONE CARES.

Mamma Mia! Really, the Times’ anal “deep dive” into an actress’s ancient angst is too much. We’re told, for instance, Griffin was righteously miffed when getting paid only $80K for the Times Square broadcast, esp considering “she was carrying more of the prep work” than co-host Anderson Cooper. A “very offended Zucker supposedly went off the deep end “yelling” & “literally said something like (huh?), ‘Who do you think you are coming in here demanding a raise?’” Of course, Griffin “just lost it” too and started screaming, “I’m [bleep!] Griffin, Jeff, that’s who I am!” To make a Looong story short, Zucker fired Griffin for insubordination who begged to be brought back, and was, but with a pay CUT not RAISE.

Well, it IS believable Griffin lost it here as she’s infamous for doing, but she probably said something closer to the usual “F” bomb than “Bleep.” Zucker told the Times Griffin is probably “acknowledging … she has ever done anything wrong.” Got it. Couldn’t care less.

Davd Soul


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