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Man Of Pelosi’s Terrible, Very Bad Day

Isn't the alarming short of “Man of Pelosi”, in which Paul Pelosi was assaulted by home intruder with someone’s hammer, is the foolishness of “progressive” laws like Illinois’ making it easier for such sick folks to violate us?

Mr. Pelosi “survived” a fractured skull. We’re told he will recover. Thank God. But, social media and the MSM largely went nuts over the possible “politics” involved. While “reducing the temperature” as the mid-term elections is a no-brainer necessity, especially as crime soars nationally, the focus should also be on the repercussions of some insane new progressive laws (and/or policies by reformers' fiat) recently put on the books. Why? As in the Land of Lincoln for one, they’re based on a foolish experimental policy, in that case, that argues police should not evict “non-violent” trespassers. Easier said than done, no? So, it should be up to the homeowner to play shrink, cop, judge, jury? I give you the Man of Pelosi who, the early reports suggest, was merely visiting the Pelosi home asking “Where is Nancy?” The WSJ coverage was vague on whether Mr. Pelosi or the intruder was armed with a hammer. But, would Mr. Pelosi have been in the wrong for grabbing a hammer to defend himself and demanding the trespasser to kindly leave? If he had been unarmed, was the Man of Pelosi within his rights to grab the hammer from Mr. Pelosi and do a botched lobotomy job on him?

Police need to perform such evictions, no? And, we need to start doing a better job of getting nut jobs off the streets as well as the professional mental health help they so obviously need, no? Especially as the nation’s politics keeps getting more insane? Think Jan 6, Scalise & Kavanaugh.

Davd Soul


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