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Manchin Crotch-Kicked By Sue & Settle Ruse?

Was Manchin crotch kicked by Schumer in their secret green side deal as Biden freezes oil & gas leases with an Obama slight of hand ploy that has Interior green-lighting licenses, but “settling” planned lawsuits blocking them?

Only in a radical progressive America could this bait and switch, bold faced deception and cynical end-around Congress happen. At least, so suggested the WSJ. And, they say, Sen. Joe Manchin is more and more looking like the clownish court jester for being so gullible. As the paper’s op ed noted: “The Interior Dept last week agreed to conduct additional climate reviews for five federal oil & gas lease sales held in 2019 & 2020 that were challenged by environmental groups” who claimed the Trump Administration didn’t “sufficiently study the climate impact of the leases under the National Environmental Policy Act.” More alarmingly in that settlement, says the editors, the government’s geniuses agreed to incorporate the “social cost” of greenhouse gas emissions that could result from the leases.

In other words, without required Congressional authorization and without outright canceling the leases, it will put them on ice for months if not years or perhaps forever. And, with the precedent now being set, one could expect all future Biden permit “approvals” to likewise be subject to this fake “process” thanks to its “sue and settle” component. Oh, it’s a crotch-kick, all right, to Manchin’s brains as well as manhood.

Davd Soul


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