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Manchin Makes Mince Meat Of Dems’ Build Back Better

After lying about being centrists, Dems call Sen Manchin a liar for still refusing to back the radical socialist $2-5T “Build Back Better” ruse they’re (perhaps) illegally trying to ram thru Congress in a reconciliation bill? How many times did the Man from WVa tell them he wouldn’t go along with stoking record inflation, costing taxpayers?

So, on Monday, the Dem leaders vowed another “work around” Congress come January to “avoid the end of democracy” thanks to just “one man’s” obstinacy? Never mind the 50 Republican Senators who would vote thumbs down on BBB along with Mr. Manchin & perhaps several other Democrat colleagues who have ‘ol Joe to thank for saving them from the wrath of angry voters fed up with their “spending until your bankrupt” agenda.

Not that President Biden will take the opportunity Mr. Manchin gave him by making mince meat of BBB, i.e., to go back to the middle ground he once promised & as the WSJ suggested he should. On Sunday, Joe’s press secretary Psaki may have burned Joe’s last bridge to the Blue Ridge by rudely attacking Manchin, suggesting he had lied to No. 46 about his “intentions” to vote for BBB “in the end”. As the WSJ editors said, the “art of persuasion” is sadly lacking in the WH (or Congress) these days. So is common sense?

Davd Soul


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