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Mandatory Retirement A Bogus Solution To Biden-itis?

Another woke assault on those who have worked hard all their lives to forge a solid career is embedded in the WSJ’s “Should There Be a Mandatory Retirement Age for Senior Executives?”

According to the editors, “Proponents say [the proposal] can protect shareholders from incompetent leaders.” What? You mean like Joe Biden and his chronic Biden-itis? Anybody ever hear about the power of a board of directors [let alone voters] to fire anyone for cause? In defense of our president and other executives of Medicare age, it almost sounds more like another case of the young know-it-alls breaking out the steak knives to carve up the old goats so another little lamb [i.e., themselves] can take their stall in the executive washroom. As, the WSJ also noted, “Opponents say [mandatory retirement] is a solution in search of a problem.”

Here! Here! As it now stands, “forced retirement based on age is illegal” although some workers are exempted from such anti-discrimination laws for this reason or that. Some “high-level company execs”, for instance, can already be told to retire as soon as they turn 65. (Stupid old politicians can be given the heave ho by voters at any age.) But, what should be alarming is the greedy radicals among us bent on creating “problems” like this & offering bogus “solutions” to fix them.

Davd Soul


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