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Many DEI Jobs DOA As World Turns?

A study of supposedly “woke” corporations suggests they are “trimming DEI roles”, i.e., diversity, equity & inclusion jobs, as economy tanks. Irony, hypocrisy & betrayal … it’s all here as the DEI hounds are suddenly getting hunted?

Wasn’t it Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who said of his plans to write a “Hound of the Baskervilles” that every kind of best seller detail “is in here” … a demon of a hound; a foggy environment on the deadly moor; backstabbing, greedy relatives; & a number of suspects? Well, it may not be all that surprising that the same could be said of the mercurial rise of DEI jobs in corporate America as well as the ever-growing & woke federal government in the wake of the George Floyd riots. Now, that rapid rise appears to be in retreat as economic reality sets in to raise the fog surrounding its origins. The demon is unfettered DEI police in HR depts, the greedy are those workers wanting other peoples’ jobs & the suspects are executives & pols who are reneging on their promises.

Says the Fox Business coverage: “A recent study conducted by Revelio Labs shows the companies that laid off workers in 2022 slashed DEI positions at a higher rate than others, indicating those dedicated roles become lower-priority when times get tough.” The workforce analytics firm is said to have particularly found “more than 300 DEOI professionals left their roles in the last half of 2022 at (the nearly 600) firms impacted by layoffs & entire DEI departments [relatively small to begin with] were likely eliminated in the bloodbath.” The study noted particularly how “Amazon, Twitter & Nike have shed between 5 & 16 DEI professionals each” suggesting “these outflows likely amount to the exodus of entire diversity teams.” Explained one HR consultant: “One of the first things companies cut [in business downturns] is HR & within HR DE&I is still considered nonessential.”

Davd Soul


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