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Many Dems Anti-Vaxxers But Don’t Tell Lib MSM

Lib MSM & pols keep suggesting anti-Vaxxers are “Republicans” who need to be asked “Do you want people to die?” Their conservative counterparts typically ask in reply, “Don’t you want people to have ‘choice’ in their health care options, including for your unborn children?” Ouch! Hypocrisy alert. BTW: Many Dems are anti-Vaxxers.

Not that there’s definitive study proof available, at least, any more so than non-existent studies supposedly showing the non-vaccinated are “killing people.” But, a simple google word search does reveal quite a few articles disingenuously suggesting there’s plenty of anti-vaxxers who HAVE to be Democrats, especially among those belonging to Baptist or Evangelical Churches. As in the abortion issue, the vaccination concern among these folks is not just about medicine safety let alone political affiliation, but religious belief. Agree with their concern or not, it’s real and, according to many legal experts, the U.S. Constitution & its religious freedom provisions kick in.

Isn’t that bedrock constitutional principle why President Biden’s federal vaccination mandate has been put on hold by several courts and the Swamp’s officials are backing off their much ballyhooed “get vaccinated or get fired” slogan?

Davd Soul


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