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Mark Biden’s Twain Pandemic Greed

How can Joe say pandemic’s “over” when 400 people still die daily & he just forgave $500-900 billion in student loans on ground kids still at death’s door? Is US Treasury where twain of politics & such pandering always meet?

“You see anybody wearing masks?,” Mr. Biden asked when interviewed by 60 Minutes in a typical progressive puff piece. One answer the host could have supplied but didn’t: “No, Joe, we haven’t seen more than a few gluttons for punishment wearing masks since 2021 when you took office and promised to snuff out Covid pronto.” And, even though you didn’t ask: “We knew you were going to declare the pandemic over just before the mid-term elections.” The WSJ’s editors were just as cynical when it observed, “Biden reassures the public [the pandemic is over] but won’t lift the official Covid emergency” first declared in January 2020. Why? Concluded the WSJ: “The reason is almost certainly money. A March 2020 Covid law enables the government to hand out billions of dollars in welfare benefits to millions of people as long as the emergency is in effect.” This includes more generous food stamps & more people on Medicaid to the tune of $16 billion a month.

“Most outrageous,” the editors concluded, “only weeks ago the Administration used as separate national emergency declaration related to the pandemic to legally justify canceling some $500 billion (or up to $900 billion in at least one estimate) in student loans. Like Willie Sutton if not Bernie Sanders, then, Joe is proverbially robbing the US Treasury because “that’s where the money is” & the taxpayers are going to the polls soon.

Davd Soul


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