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Market Meltdown Churning Life Savings

Having lost modest life savings in previous tech & real estate bubble crashes, I can relate to folks in WSJ’s “The Market Is Melting Down & People Are Feeling It: ‘My Stomach Is Churning All Day’”.

But, that same experience in playing with the stock market as an amateur is why I’ve kept a healthy distance from it since, have some money in the bank, and my stomach is not churning all day. Meanwhile, the newspaper notes, “many are watching investments they meant for down payments, tuition or retirement shrink day after day.”

Tell me if you’ve heard this from your stock broker in recent days as stocks & bonds have gotten hammered so far this year: “The best way for investors to achieve their goals is to still be in the market when it eventually rebounds as it always has. Probably good advice, although it can take some time & assumes YOU have that time. Another way of looking at it? “Don’t be in the stock market to begin with to achieve your necessarily more modest goals & trust in your own two good hands to build aka “save” your earnings in the safest assets.”

Davd Soul


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