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Martha’s Vineyard THANKS Dixie Governors?

Tucker calls out hypocrisy of Martha’s Vineyarders like Obama failing to “celebrate” migrant arrivals but real shame is how these coastal elites have used big gov’ts to turn big cities into what Trump would call “s***h****”…

Fox colleague Greg Gutfeld put it most succinctly: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Texas Governor Greg Abbott “are making ‘phony politicians’ in sanctuary states walk the walk.” Not that they will do anything but continue to walk their constituents into the living hells they’ve created from sea to shining sea in once beautiful cities like New York, DC, Philly, Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, LA, SF, Portland, Seattle … Wanna see examples of how to control communities for decades and BS them into keep voting for you in the face of back-breaking high taxes, crappy school systems, dangerous neighborhoods dominated by gangs or drug traffickers, and homeless tent cities …

But, let’s be positive as Tucker was in his recent opening monologue: “Finally, a happy story for once. Outbursts of irrepressible joy erupted throughout the exclusive island community of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, last night. For hundreds of years, Martha’s Vineyard has suffered from the soul crushing effects of its own Whiteness. Island residents understood there was only one cure. They badly needed diversity. In fact, they often said so, but despite their very best efforts over many years, diversity never came to Martha’s Vineyard. It was tragic.” Well, Barack & Michelle won’t say it, but I will. “Thank you, Governor Abbott. Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for bringing your corrupt White society into the real diverse world.”

Davd Soul


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