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Mary, Joseph, Jesus Overcome Troubled World In Grace

It’s a troubled world. Always has been. Yet the wisest of men have assured an Angel more than once has come down to give needed guidance. Imagine how on a chilled day, then night, not unlike today’s, yet a little over 2,000 years ago, a 15-ish newly-wed woman & 19-ish fledgling carpenter was hours away from delivering what an Angel, about to share with some shepherds but keeping hidden from kings, had told them would be the immaculately conceived Savior of the world … Emmanuel … in Bethlehem, the House of King David … as vaguely foretold by many ancient prophets. It was the last legs of a 5-day, 90-mile journey from Nazareth, on a donkey and by foot, over barren hillsides, through crime-infested highways made of mud, rocks & clay. Alone, with only an unusually brilliant star to lead the way to a promised destiny of a baby, Kyrie among nations, who was about to come forth, still not yet. Little did the dusty & sore couple know there’d be no room in the small town’s one inn so they’d give birth in a stable, to lie our child in a manger, but only after pushing the animals to the far side of their humble, make-shift home only a carpenter could pull together in minutes. Nor did they know powerful men were already plotting the young family's end. It would be a troubled world in which the Man-God entered … His Father new He’d leave that troubled world behind with a bent if unbroken body and with His Spirit still intact, left behind to guide us with His Grace …

Davd Soul


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