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Maui’s Green Day Turns Black As Coal

Did Hawaiian Electric know of wildfire threat to human lives but wait years without acting because highest on its wish list was scrambling to “go green” as progressives were demanding?

As a recent WSJ op ed claimed, “Four years ago, the utility said it needed to do more to prevent its power lines from emitting sparks. It made little progress, focusing on a shift to clean energy.” In a later editorial, the newspaper re-emphasized that the exact cause of those wide fires & loss of 110 or so souls has yet to be determined. Yet, suspicions of a utility infrastructure meltdown at least “playing a role” in the tragedy are gaining credulity in industry circles. “One video taken by a resident [even] shows a downed power line igniting dry grass” nearby …

Still, not to point fingers as the climate alarmists do too often. The point & main concern, as the WSJ suggests, is that the Maui debacle is the latest in a series of such conflagrations in the Western states causing great death & destruction in their wake. And, all the while, progressive policies emphasizing “green” energy transition rather than grass & woodland management on political rather than safety considerations all too often is rearing its ugly head.

Davd Soul


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